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MX 51 & ZiiPos

Normally, more than 80% issues between eftpos and our software is communication problem.

  1. 50% Communication issue is internet. Solution: Enter into the network configuration (Hold Enter+3) , and check the Wifi (a. same to the ZiiPos iPad. b. It is avaliable to use the Wifi to visit ).

  2. 40% Communication issue is disconnection between POS & eftpos. Solution: Check the pairing status and try to repair.

  3. 10% Communication issue is disconnection between Eftpos Terminal and Base. Solution: Hold the bluetooth connection button repairing

If the above methods have not been solved the issue. Backup Solution: Hold Enter+1 on Terminal, then use 4G Eftpos standard mode. When the issue was solved Hold X to back to PC-Eftpos mode.

Notes: On the top of the terminal screen: Green Dot is normal, Red Dot is: Wifi/Network/Battery low issue.